ReservasEs necesario realizar la reserva con antelación. Paraello puede hacerlo a través de nuestra página web o através de nuestro correo electrónicoPlayamarina@senziaspa.comPolítica de cancelaciónRogamos dejen sus pertenencias de valor en la cajafuerte de la habitación o en casa. El centro no se haceresponsable de los objetos personales de valor quetraigan al centro o que se dejen en la taquilla.No se debe traer comida ni bebida de fuera. Cualquiercliente que se encuentre bajo los efectos del acoholno tendrá permitido el acceso al centro, y no podrárecibir ningún tratamiento.Se puede cancelar o modificar la reserva con al menos24h de antelación dentro del horario de apertura delcentro. Pasado este período, se cargará el 100% delservicio.Llegada al centroEs obligatorio llegar al centro con una antelación de 15minutos. En caso de retraso, se limitará el tiempo detratamiento, terminando a la hora estipulada paraevitar interferir en las siguientes reservas. Igualmentese cargará el importe total del servicio contratado.Etiqueta del centroTodas nuestras instalaciones y áreas son unisex, por loque el traje de baño es obligatorio. Tanto la toalla,como las chanclas, se la proporcionaremos en elcentro. No es obligatorio el uso de gorro de bañoRespeto y silencioSon requisitos indispensables para disfrutar denuestras experiencias. Es obligatorio mantener untono de voz suave, así como guardar el teléfono móvilapagado en la taquilla. Se ruega un comportamientocorrecto dentro de nuestras instalaciones.BookingsAdvance booking is required. You can do this via our website or via our email address...Arrival to the centreIt is compulsory to arrive at the centre 15 minutes in advance. In case of delay, the treatment time will be limited, finishing at the stipulated time to avoid any interference with the following bookings The total amount of the contracted service will also be charged.Label of the centreAll our facilities and areas are unisex, so swimwear is compulsory. Both towels and flip-flops will be provided at the centre. It is not compulsory to wear a bathing cap.Respect and silenceThese are essential requirement for the enjoyment of our experiences. It is compulsory to keep a soft tone of voice and to keep your mobile phone switched off in the locker. We kindly ask for a correct behaviour inside our facilities.Rules of usePlease leave your valuables in the safe in your room or at home. The centre is not responsible for personal valuables brought to the centre or left in the locker. No food or drink should be brought in from outside. Any client who is under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed access to the centre, and will not be able to receive any treatment.Cancellation policyBookings can be cancelled or modified at least 24 hours in advance within the opening hours of the centre. After this period, 100% of the service will be charged. BookingsAdvance booking is required. You can do this via our website or via our email address...Arrival to the centreIt is compulsory to arrive at the centre 15 minutes in advance. In case of delay, the treatment time will be limited, finishing at the stipulated time to avoid any interference with the following bookings The total amount of the contracted service will also be charged.Label of the centreAll our facilities and areas are unisex, so swimwear is compulsory. Both towels and flip-flops will be provided at the centre. It is not compulsory to wear a bathing cap.Respect and silenceThese are essential requirement for the enjoyment of our experiences. It is compulsory to keep a soft tone of voice and to keep your mobile phone switched off in the locker. We kindly ask for a correct behaviour inside our facilities.Rules of usePlease leave your valuables in the safe in your room or at home. The centre is not responsible for personal valuables brought to the centre or left in the locker. No food or drink should be brought in from outside. Any client who is under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed access to the centre, and will not be able to receive any treatment.Cancellation policyBookings can be cancelled or modified at least 24 hours in advance within the opening hours of the centre. After this period, 100% of the service will be charged.